SHIMSHONE - SAMSON Read - Did you read - and Israel did evil again in the sight of the LORD? Samuel wrote - and they are adding, sons of Israel, to do the bad of, in eyes of YHVH. Israel - ADDS - to bad again, in the sight of YHVH Read - Judges 13-16. What do you think of Shimshone? Some see him as a - hero. Some see him as a - murderer. Artists perceive Shimshone with massive muscles. Do you think strength of Shimshone, was actually in - muscles? Do you think strength of Shimshone, was actually in - hair? BreathWind of bad, (punishment) from YHVH, gave Shimshone - amazing ability. Read - Did you read - Spirit of the Lord began to move him at times? Samuel wrote - she is starting, ruch (Breath) of YHVH, to agitate/impel - him. Hover on pic with mouse pointer or finger. What do you see? Do you see Holy Breath of good - creative virtue/more? Do you see Holy Breath of bad - punishment/adjustment/reconcilation/more? Breath of YHVH impelled Shimshone to do adverse deeds. A bad Breath of ability, for adjustment and punishment - came upon Shemshon. Some will see it as an evil spirit, and try to imagine a - person. YHVH got tired of watching tribe of Dan, essentially capitulating to the Philistines in Gaza, for years and years. YHVH rises up a man named Shimshone, as a Nazirite at birth, to do just about anything he wants, to stir up any peace between tribe of Dan, and the Philistines. Shimshone is arrogant and vindictive to the Philistines. He seems to pretty well do whatever he wants to the Philistines, and God accomodates him. Breath of YHVH will adjust - as He will. Read part of - Did you read - the Spirit of the LORD came MIGHTILTY upon him? Samuel wrote - and she is prospering on him, ruch of YHVH. Breath of YHVH which started to agitate Samson in Judges 13:25, is now prospering with any - ability. Read part of - Did you read - and the Spirit of the LORD came upon him? Samuel repeated the exact same words, as Judges 14:6. Samuel wrote again - and she is prospering on him, ruch of YHVH. Why didn't you read - the Spirit of the LORD came MIGHTILY upon him? Version variants interpret as to their personal agenda. Breath of YHVH sent a bad punishment/reconcilation. Read Judges 3:1 through 3:10. Did you read - spirit of the LORD came upon Othniel? Samuel wrote - Ruch of YHVH. Do you see Breath of Good, or Breath of Bad, on - Othniel? Do you see both at once? Othniel was given ability from YHVH, for a punishment/reconcilation. Some will still call it - evil. Same type of parallel story where Israel does evil AGAIN in sight of the LORD - then God - intervening interfering spectating participating nothing forgetting selling - as He will.