Perception of breath forces of the wickedness in the on heavenlies. Demons are breath forces. Demons are breath forces. Do you think those pictures look like a Divine Breath of God? Might be hard for a demon to influence a human, if it tries to look like those things. BreathWind of YHVH Wind that blows good or bad - when and where - into whatever - as God - wills. Touch the pictures with pointer or finger. Look at the picture, underneath - for awhile. Do you see - Breath of Good, or Breath of Bad? What are demons? Many say - fallen angels. Dictionary says - evil spirit, or devil. Greek word is - daimon (dye moan) = divine Divine = of God, from God, like a god Do you think a demon is God? Do you think a demon can be like God? Who created demons? Many say - satan YHVH creates - ALL things God created - daimon/demon/divine LORD - we praise you in all things. Divine = demon = type of Breath of bad The authors wrote - demons. Version variants write - devils. There is only one devil = satan satan is a type of divine, but is not called a divine. satan is called - through hurl = through caster Greek - diabolis = through hurl = slanderer = devil = satan. There are many different demons. Divines/daimons/demons exist as type of Breath of bad created by - YHVH. Many see a type of Breath of bad (bad breath, evil spirit), as a - person. Many see a type of Breath of good (Holy Breath, Holy Spirit), as a - person. Many see a type of Breath of bad (Breath of divine) (divine breath, demon spirit), as a - person. Breath of divine is a type of Breath of bad Demons are NOT - persons. Divine and Breath seem to be - interchangeable. They are NOT interchangeable. Divine/demon, is a type of Breath of bad created by - YHVH. Daimon pneuma = divine breath. Versions variants read - demonic spirit. Many interpret a demonic spirit as represented by the pictures shown above. Demons (divines) are created by God - To glorify God To negatively influence humans more Read - Divine breaths = servants, with abilities to perform various functions. Some say that demons are - fallen angels. Demons are NOT = angels. Angels are what scripture say they are - administering breaths. Demons are what scripture say they are - divine breaths. Angels = breaths imaged as a male human. Holy Breath = Breath imaged as a bird. Do you think Divine Breaths can be imaged? Is anything too hard for the LORD? Scripture says - amartison angels. Amartison (a = no, not), (martison = mark). Angels no mark = Angels who have missed the mark. These angels are bound by God, to be released when He is ready. Read part of - Did you read - devils? There is only one devil = satan Moses wrote - they are sacrificing to shdim (demons). Read part of - Version variants write - devils, demons, evil spirits, destroyers David wrote - shdim = demons Some call divine breaths - demonic pneuma spirits. What type of image are you imagining? Demonic pneuma spirits = demonic breath breaths. Demonic is understandable - but what are breath breaths? What are you imagining with - breath breaths? Demonic pneuma spirit = foreign sounding names. Many try to imagine that demonic pneuma spirit, is a real - person. Ruach(Hebrew) = Pneuma(Greek) = Spiritus(Latin) = Spirit(English) = Breath(English). 1. AUTHORITY Authority = Power to make decisions Read - Did you read - principalities? Paul wrote - arcas = originals. Misleading scripture about principality, isn't it? What's a principality? Principality = position, authority, supramundane power (transcending the world). Paul wrote - that not is to us, the wrestling toward blood and flesh, but toward the originals, toward the authorities, toward the world mights of the darkness of the eon, this toward the breath forces of the wickedness in the on heavenlies. Paul wrote - For we wrestling not towards blood and flesh, but towards arkas (originals/divines/devil), towards the authorities, (abilities to influence as desired) towards the cosmo holders of the darkness of the eon, towards pneumatika (breath strength) of the moral corruptness in on heavenlies. We wrestle the originals that have an authority of world mights of darkness in this eon. We wrestle the breath forces (demons/devil) that encourage wickeness from their domain of the air. They wrestled - then. We wrestle - now. Why? To make a choice towards God, or from God - when facing adversity. 2. SERVANTS Read part of KJVersion - Did you read - ministers? Paul wrote - diakoni = dia konis = through dust Diakoni (deacons) = through servitors satan (thru-caster) has an authority to use certain demonic breaths (thru-servitors), as his servants. Divine breaths - servants of God servants of satan servants of themselves 3. TRANSFIGURE Read part of KJVersion - Demonic breaths can - transfigure. satan can transfigure as - angel of light satan's deacons can transfigure as servants of justice and righteousness Paul said - no big deal satan can transfigure to - angel of light. No big deal that divines, which can be deacons of satan, can transfigure - too. 3. CAN BE CAST OUT Read part of - Did you read - cast out devils? All Greek manuscripts say - demons. Mark compiled - In the NAME of Me, demons/divines, they shall be out casting. There is only one devil = satan Read part of - Did you read - cast out devils? Matthew compiled - daimonia exebalomen = demons, we cast out. There is only one devil = satan Read part of KJVariant- You read - through thy name Luke compiled - en (in) the name of You IN the Name of Jesus Read part of KJVersion - You read - cast out devils by the Spirit of God Matthew wrote - en pneumati of-God am-out-casting the daimonia Matthew wrote - IN the Breath of God, am out casting demons. If author writes, IN - versions write, through If author writes, IN - versions write, by In the Name of Jesus - Through the Name of Jesus - By the Name of Jesus Are all those the same to you? YOU cast out demons - In the Breath of God, in the Name of Jesus. Where do divines go, when cast out by Jesus? Can be cast out - of humans - Can be cast into - pigs - Don't want - abyss. Read - Did you read - deep? What does deep, mean to you? Luke wrote - abyss. Abyss = Sheol/Hades/Unperceived Unseen. Version variants use the word - hell. Divines know they will go to the abyss if Jesus casts them out. They know they will be tormented when bound in the abyss. Divines know the abyss (Sheol/Hades/Unperceived/Unseen) will be tossed in - Lake of Fire. Invoke the name of Jesus to bind demons in the - abyss. So why could not the disciples cast out certain demons? Read - Read - Read part of - Read part of - Now do you know what to do if you can't cast out a demon? God wants your faith, and your - works. Believe - fast - pray - works. Search for Truth 4. INFLUENCE Influence humans - Influence animals (pigs) - God can create His divine breaths to perform single, or multiple functions - at any time. Some may be used once, or as many times as God - wills. Read part of - Did you read - spirits of devils, doing miracles? There is only one devil = satan John wrote - pneumata daimonon doing semeia = breaths of divines doing signs. The divines will influence humans to perform a function of doing - signs. John wrote - for they are breaths of demons doing SIGNS, which is outgoing on the Kings - John wrote that satan, antichrist, and antichrist's prophet, each have an inhabiting influence of unclean (akathartos) breaths, which can symbolize frogs, as figure of speech, doing miracles and signs. Who do you think is the source of the ability of the unclean breaths that will enter into satan, and the antichrist, and the prophet to the antichrist? Why frogs? They were representative of plagues in time past. They will represent plaques in the future, via unclean demonic (divine) breaths. Demonic breaths unclean (pneuma akathartos), still influence humans in this eon - for now. Demonic breaths = divine breaths - created by God. YHVH will send - divine breaths