breath evil


Look at those pictures - again. They are the average interpretation of - demons. Touch the pictures with pointer or finger. Do you see - Breath of good, or Breath of bad? YHVH creates divine breaths as He - desires Why? adjustment - punishment - reconciliation - more Types of divine (demon) breaths - Alalon Akathartos Astheneia Kophon Plana Poneron Python Tuphlos - more 1. DEMONIC ALALON BREATHS Demonic mute breaths - alanon = no speak a = no/not lalos = talk Single function = causing mute. Read part of - Did you read - dumb spirit? Mark compiled - pneuma alalon = breath no talk. Read part of KJVersion- Alalon breaths are multifunctional - causing unclean, deaf, mute, convulsions, withering, gnashing, frothing, tearing, causing to jump in fire/water, more. Read part of - Did you read - dumb and deaf spirit? Mark compiled - pneuma alalon kai kophon = breath no talk and deaf. The demonic breath vexed the young man from childhood. Vexed him with - mute, deaf, unclean, convulsions, tearing (breaking bones), withering, jump in fire/water, more. Look how long the son was vexed. Why? God's ways are not our ways Matthew compiled more functions for the alanon divine breath. Read part of - Matthew compiled - seleniazomai = moonized, lunatic, epileptic. It's the same demonic breath in Mark 9:17-26. Read part of - Did you read - rebuked the devil? Matthew compiled - and rebukes to it, the Jesus, and out came from him (son) the daimonion = demon. Scripture describes a demon. Version variants change it to the devil. There is only one devil = satan Look at the length of vexing the boy underwent. Why? God's ways are not our ways The divine breath had abilities, as to God's Will, and Control. It performed it's function - Jesus rebuked it. Scripture appears to support - When a demonic breath is cast out, using the Name of Jesus, God binds it, in - Unperceived/Unseen. Unperceived/Unseen is cast in the Lake of Fire - when God is ready. Demons have same eternal ending as angels that miss the mark (fallen), that is, eternity - in Lake of Fire. Why couldn't the disciples cast out the demonic breath? They believed. Jesus said they lacked faith. Read part of - All things are possible to the one, that - what? Read part of - Besides believing, how do you cast out demons? Prayer - Fasting 2. DEMONIC AKATHARTOS BREATHS Demonic unclean breaths - akathartos = not cleaned. a = no/not kathartos = cleansed, purged, pruned, unmixed. Function = vex, torment, toss, confuse, annoy, trouble, distress, plague, more Demonic unclean breaths - know their creator. Can see - speak - proclaim. Do you see that demonic breaths can cause humans to tear, burst, convulse, froth, fall into fire, fall into water, fall on the ground? Read - What did you envision when you just read Mark 3:11? Did you see a MAN - glorifying God? Did you see UNCLEAN BREATHS - glorifying God? Did you see a MAN, controlled by UNCLEAN BREATHS, - glorifying God? Some say - unclean, demon spirits. Does that sound scary? They are divine, unclean breaths - created by YHVH. They seek out those who fail to adjust. Why? To glorify God - to adjust - to punish - to reconcile - more Read part of - What was in the synagogue? Did you read - unclean spirit? Mark compiled - pneumati akatharto = breath unclean The divine, unclean breath, had no problem entering a synagogue. Why not? Do you think an unclean breath should be afraid of - synagogue - church - mosque - more? Read part of - The divine, unclean breath, spoke in plural, but Jesus casted out one divine (demon). Do you think when the divine unclean breath spoke in plural, it was talking about it's TYPE, of divine breaths? Do you think any breaths remained in the man? Look at perfection of Jesus. Read part of - What is in the Synagogue? Did you read - spirit of an unclean devil? Luke compiled - pneuma daimoniou akathartou = breath demon unclean. There is only one devil = satan Mark also compiled this witnessed event. Do you believe YHVH still allows demons, that He created, to enter Synagogues - Churches? Read part of - Jesus even rebuked a fever. Read part of - What do you notice in verse 34? The unclean demon, was singular - but included others with itself. The unclean breath tossed, and convulsed, the human, but didn't hurt him. The unclean divine, recognized Jesus. The unclean divine breath, glorified - YHVH. Read part of KJV - Did you read - rebuked him? Luke compiled - rebuked it. Jesus rebuked, it - not him, or them. Read part of KJV - Luke compiled - exercheto de kai daimonia = out came yet and demons. There is only one devil = satan Demons glorify - God. Jesus rebuked them not to talk. Why? Some say - Jesus wasn't ready to fully reveal Himself. Read part of KJV - Did you read - unclean spirits? Luke compiled - akatharton pneumaton = unclean breaths. They were unclean - Breaths. In this case, they were unclean demonic breaths, created by YHVH. Unclean breaths to do what? They are unclean breaths to make people unclean, unpurged, unpruned, mixed. Why? Read part of KJV - Did you also read - devil and unclean spirit - in the same verse? First, it's the devil, then it is a unclean spirit. There is only one devil = satan Read part of Darby's - Luke compiled - daimonion errexen (divine tears) - Jesus epetimesen pneumati (rebukes breath). Do you believe that unclean divine breaths exist - today? How is your garment right now? Are you clean? Are you purged? Are you pruned? Are you unmixed? 3. DEMONIC ASTHENEIA BREATHS Astheneia = no strength a = no/not sthenos = strength Function - causes infirmity, weakness, disease, disorder. Read part of - of a woman possessed eigheen years. Why do you think she was possessed with a demonic weak breath? Do you think it was her parents fault? Iniquity visited on the offspring? Was her door open to divine breaths? Do you think any of those demonic breaths exist - today? 4. DEMONIC KOPHON BREATHS Demonic blunted breaths - kophon = dull, blunted. Function - makes you deaf, mute, or deaf and mute. Kophon breaths are divinely created by God. Kophon breaths make you partially deaf, and/or mute, or - deaf and mute. Read part of - Did you read - casting out devil? There is only one devil = satan Luke compiled - out casting daimonion (demon). Did you also read - devil was gone out? There is only one devil = satan Luke compiled - daimoniou (demon) out coming. When the divine (demon) came out - the kophos (mute man) spoke. 5. DEMONIC PLANA BREATHS Demonic stray breaths -- plana = stray Function - to lead you astray from God. Stray breaths wander about. Stray breaths - divinely created - lead humans astray. Stray breaths help you deviate from moral standards - if you choose to stray. Stray breaths lead you to stray, and wander, on any direction, except to God. Why? To adjust you - or not - depends on you. Read part of - Did you read - deceiver? Version variants say - deceiver, liar, seducer, imposter. Matthew compiled - planos = strayer. The chief priests and Pharisees called Jesus - planos - to Pilate. Planos = strayer = false things to lead astray. How does that make you feel about an accusation of false witness upon Jesus? Read part of KJV - Did you read - seducing spirits? Paul wrote - pneumasin planois - breaths strayed. Did you also read - doctrines of devils? There is only one devil = satan Paul wrote - teachings of daimonion (breaths). Paul said there would be teachings of demons, to cause you to stray, in latter times. Do you see people straying from God - today? Are you? Read KJV - Did you read - deceivers? John wrote - planoi/planos = strayers. Planos demons are NOT deceivers. Deception is one of many tactics that strayers use. Planos demons are strayers that deceive to cause straying. Read - Did you read - strong delusion? Scribe of Paul, wrote - energian plan es (energy of straying). Planet = to stray. Paul said - energy to go astray - NOT - lies or delusion. God told Paul - ENERGY of STRAYING. Who will send the plan es breaths? YHVH will send the plan es breaths. Do you really think that satan can create divine breaths? Choose going astray - God will help going astray. Choose turning to God - God will help turning to God. Read part of KJV - Did you read - going astray? Peter wrote - planomea = being strayed. Is there a difference between going astray, and being strayed? Sheep will go astray, without being strayed - because they can. A sheep being strayed, is a sheep being led astray. Is your door open, and unprotected, to allow stray breaths to enter in? Do you wander from God? Are you astray? 6. DEMONIC PONERON BREATHS poneros = bad/evil/wicked Function - influence you to behave bad/wicked/evil - breath, mental, or physical. Poneron breaths - divinely created by YHVH. Poneron breaths - helps those who choose to do bad/evil/wicked - to do more bad/evil/wicked. Read part of KJV - Did you read - evil spirits? Luke compiled - pneumaton poneron = breaths wicked/bad. Did you also read - seven devils? Mark compiled - daimonia hepta = demons seven. There is only one devil = satan Read part of KJV - Did you read - evil spirits? Paul wrote - pneumata ta ponera = breaths, the wicked/bad. Read part of KJV - What did you read? Paul wrote - pneuma to poneron = breath, the evil/wicked/bad. Read part of KJV - Do you see the where man who leaped upon the seven sons of a priest, was controlled by an evil/wicked breath? Where do you see the man under self control? Where do you see him under bad/evil/wicked breath, control? Read KJV - Paul wrote - that not is to us the wrestling toward blood and flesh, but toward the archas (originals), toward the exousias (out authorities,rights), toward the kosmokratoras (cosmos holders) of the darkness of the age (this), toward the pneumatika (breath,wind) of the ponerias (wicked) in the epouraniois (on heavenlies). Paul is saying that we do not wrestle with blood and flesh, but toward the originals, toward the authorities, toward the cosmos holders of the darkness of this age, toward the breaths of the wicked on the Heavenlies. Who created the originals? YHVH Who created the ones with the authorities? YHVH Who created the cosmos holders of the darkness of this age? YHVH Who placed the breath in the wicked? YHVH Who placed the wicked breaths on the heavenlies? YHVH satan is not a creator, it can only imitate, as YHVH desires. 7. DEMONIC PYTHON BREATH Demonic snake breath puthonos = mythical earth dragon that protected the Oracle of Delphi Function - divination source Read part of KJV - Did you read - spirit of divination? Paul wrote - breath of puthonos. Comes from - Oracle of Delphi. Search it. The woman, with breath of puthonos, followed Paul for many days. Why? Demonic breaths do Glorify - God. Do you think YHVH made the breath to Glorify Him? Paul commanded the divine breath to come out - Why? The possesed woman made money for her handlers. 8. DEMONIC TUPHLOS BREATHS Demonic blind breaths tuphlos = raise smoke = blind Function - physical blindness, breath blindness (spiritual blindness). Read part of KJV - Did you read - possessed with a devil? There is only one devil = satan. The man was possessed with a Divine breath from YHVH. The man was blind, and mute, at the same time. The breath performed two major functions. Read part of KJV - Did you read - devils? There is only one devil = satan. Matthew compiled - daimonia (demons). Read part of KJV - As you read devils again - there is only one devil = satan. Matthew compiled - daimonia (demons). Did you also read - by the Spirit of God? Matthew compiled - IN the Breath of God. Is there a difference to you, of - by the breath, or - in the breath? Do you dwell IN the Breath of God - or next to it? God is incredible. SECTION SIX - Food for Thought What is the fate of divine breaths (demons) after use? Are demons bound after one use, or many uses, before their ultimate fate? Do divine breaths (demons) act on their own, or only if induced by God? Does satan have a control at times, on divine breaths? Mark 9:17 - thrown in fire - did body have burn scars? YHVH will send Divine Breaths.

Divine Breath Character