Look at the picture again, for awhile. Are you seeing the same thing? It's just a virtual image of - Power of YHVH Breathing in and out, as HE - desires. God is incredible. SECTION ONE - TYPES OF GOD'S BREATHS in Scripture - What is - RUACH (roo-akh)? What is - PNEUMA? What is - BREATH? They are the same. Ruach (Hebrew) = Pneuma (Greek) = Breath (English). What is - SPIRIT? What is - GHOST? Spirit and Ghost = version variant words, for - Breath. Yet - they all get interpreted differently - as we will. Why? - because we can - and we want to - and then we do. Read part of - To whom, does interpretation belong to? Read part of - Is your face - shining? RUACH - Noun, Feminine - Old Testament KJV interprets ruach - spirit (232x), wind (92x), breath (27x), side (6x), mind (5x), blast (4x), vain (2x), air (1x), anger (1x), cool (1x), courage (1x), RUACH = Hebrew word for - breath. RUACH of YHVH = God's BREATH of Good - ability/encouragement/virtue - much more. RUACH of YHVH = God's BREATH of Bad - ability/punishment/adjustment - much more. PNEUMA - Greek - Noun Neuter - New Testament KJV interprets pneuma - Spirit (111x), Holy Ghost (89x), Spirit (of God) (13x), Spirit (of the Lord) (5x), (My) Spirit (3x), Spirit (of truth) (3x), Spirit (of Christ) (2x), human (spirit) (49x), (evil) spirit (47x), spirit (general) (26x), spirit (8x), (Jesus' own) spirit (6x), (Jesus' own) ghost (2x), miscellaneous (21x). Pneuma = Greek word for - breath. SPIRIT - English - Noun - New Testament Created around the year, 1200 CE - from Latin - spiritus (breath). Spirit = most popular word, for - breath. Some say - spirit - is seat of emotion. He is spirited. She is emotional. Use of - spirit - evokes mysticism of deity. Use of - spirit - induces thoughts ethereal, celestial, cosmic, etc. Spirit becomes - corporeal, instead of incorporeal. Spirit becomes - vapor essence in human form. Use of - spirit - keeps you wondering what it is. Some see - ruach/pneuma/spirit/ghost/breath - as one third of three persons. Three persons that are - one - yet, three - still, one. GHOST - English - noun - 900 CE. John Wycliffe VERSION of 1380, used - ghost - for third person of a trinity. Ghost is perceived as an incorporeal, yet, corporeal - person. Ghost - occurs in version variants. King James VERSION 1611 uses - Ghost. Why do they use ambiguity words? Because they can - and they do - and people will believe it. Ambiguity serves personal agenda. God does NOT protect His WORD. He doesn't need to. Read part of KJVersion- David wrote - RUACH. Read part of KJVersion- David wrote - RUACH. Out of YHVH - Breath of Life Breath of Death Breath of Energy Much more Search For Truth. Breath of YHVH will influence.