Look at those pictures - again. Again - they are the average human interpretation of - demons. What do you think - now? Touch the pictures with pointer or finger. Look at the picture, underneath - for awhile. Do you see - Breath of Good, or Breath of Bad? YHVH creates It's/His Divine Breath as It/He - desires. A Divine Breath (demonic spirit) has a divine character of - bad. YHVH creates It's/His Divine Breaths, with - characteristics. Here are only a few of many characteristics, in - Divine Breaths - 1. CAN TRANSFORM Read part of - Did you read - ministers transformed, as ministers of righteousness? Version variants write - ministers of righteousness. Douay-Rheims Bible writes - ministers of justice. Other versions write - servants of righteousness. Paul wrote - thru servitors being transfigured as thru servitors of justice. Paul said, in essence - no big deal. How does a breath, have ability to transfigure? Is anything to hard for God? Does satan - transfigure? Read - 2. VEX Divine breaths can vex humans - Physically, Mentally, Spiritually. 2b. Vex Humans - Physically Breaths can possess, and have a certain control, on humans, as given by God for His purpose. Demonic breaths can induce humans to physically, or mentally, harm themselves. Demonic breaths can toss a human. Read - Did you read - devil? There is only one devil = satan. Luke compiled - daimonion (demon/divine). A divine breath can literally have power to cause a human to be thrown into a crowd. Do you think, that is just some demon from past scripture? Do you think, power of that ablility - exists today? Read - Did you read - dumb spirit? Mark wrote - pneuma alalon = breath no talk. a = no lalon = speak The divine breath caused the child - not to speak. Demonic breaths can cause humans to tear, burst, convulse, froth, fall into fire, fall into water, fall on the ground. Demonic breaths can cause a human to - wither. Why? - Because God created them to do it. Why? - Because God uses trials and adjustments - to guide you into His Glory. Read - How long was the son vexed? The divine breath caused the child - not to speak or talk. Read part of - pneumati akatharto = breath no clean. pneuma alalon and kophon = breath no talk and mute Do you see where this was a multifunctional breath? It made the child mute. It made the child unclean. It made the child deaf. It cast the child in a fire. It cast the child in water. It thrashed the child. What was God's purpose with a divine breath vexing a child? We understand these things, as God gives wisdom into our hearts. 2c. Vex Humans - Mentally 1. NEUTER Divines are - NEUTER. God's breath of good - Holy Breath. Holy Breath/Spirit is neuter - NOT a person. God's breath of good - Angel. Angels are neuter, imaged as male mortals - NOT persons. God's breath of good - Dove. God's Breath, imaged as a male/female/neuter bird - NOT a person. God's breath of bad - Demon Evil spirits/divine spirits/demon breaths, are neuter - NOT persons. Read - Read Mark 5:8. Did you read - unto HIM? HIM - makes the reader think it is an unclean breath, that is a male person. Greek writings, read - unto IT. Mark compiled - unto IT. That unclean breath was an - IT. A divine breath of God sent to influence. Read part of - Did you read - HE answered? Greek writings, read - IT answered. Mark compiled - IT answered. HE - makes the reader think it is an unclean breath, that is a male person. That unclean breath was an - IT. One divine breath, of a legion, which God sent to influence. Why did that person allow so many demons to have such an influencing possession? Divine Breath (demon) is bad Breath of God that blows through dry places. Why? Read part of - Did you read - HE WALKETH? Greek writings read - IT IS PASSING. Luke compiled - IT IS PASSING. HE WALKETH - makes the reader think an unclean breath is a male person walking around. A Divine Breath - PASSES. 2. UNCLEAN Unclean Physical - certain diseases in Jesus's time. Unclean Mental - impure thoughts. Unclean Spiritual (Breath) - unGodly. Read part of - Did you read - WITH an unclean spirit? Mark compiled - IN breath unclean. What's the difference between - WITH - and - IN? With = next to. In = inside. At this time, Mark describes a single man, IN a single divine. An unclean divine breath is inside the man. An unclean demon spirit is inside the man. Matthew and Luke compile more about the scene, and we find that it is TWO men - IN - about 2,000 unclean divine breaths. Over 2,000 unclean demon breaths are inside two men. Scripture doesn't exactly say who had, how many, divines (demons). Jesus casted the UNCLEAN divine breaths, into - unclean pigs. Read part of - Did you read - unclean spirit? Mark compiled - unclean breath. The divines communicated to Jesus though a single divine breath. The two humans where in about 2,000 divines. Two thousand divines inhabited two men. The group of demons called themselves - Legion. Read part of - Did you read - had a spirit of an unclean devil? Luke compiled - having breath of demon, unclean. Version variants write - devil. There is only ONE devil = satan, itself. The unclean divine was an ungodly breath of influence. Why did the man open his door to an unclean breath? Why did the man, and the unclean divine breath, enter a Synagogue? Read part of - Version variants read - the devil. Luke compiled - the demon (divine). There is only ONE devil = satan, itself. Read part of - Read Luke 4:36. Did you read - unclean spirits? Luke compiled -unclean breaths. Do you see where Bible variants first called the unclean divine - a devil, then later call unclean divines - unclean spirits? There is only ONE devil = satan, itself. Read part of - Version variants read - devils. Luke compiled - daimonia / demons = divines. There is only ONE devil = satan, itself. Read part of - Did you read - unclean spirit? Luke compiled - unclean pneumati (breath). Read another part of - Did you read - devil? Luke compiled - daimonos (demon). Version variants read unclean breath, then call that unclean breath - the devil - at end of the verse. Read another part of - Luke compiled - desolate = no people. Read part of - Did you read - devils? Luke compiled - divines (demons). There is only ONE devil = satan, itself. Read part of - Version variants, read - devils. Luke compiled - divines (demons). Version variants switch between devils and spirits - as to their agenda. 3. WICKED Read part of - Did you read - evil spirits? Luke compiled - pneumaton poneron = breaths wicked/bad. Read another part of - Version variants write - seven devils. Luke compiled - pneumaton hepta = breaths seven. Mary, from Magdelene, had seven breaths cast from her. There is only ONE devil = satan, itself. Read part of - Did you read - evil spirits? Paul wrote - pneumata ta ponera = breaths the wicked/evil. Read part of - Variants read - spiritual wickedness. Paul wrote - pneumatika tes ponerias = breath forces of the wickedness. Divine breaths influence moral corruptness. What do you think they would influence you to do? If you fall under an influence, will you see the error of your ways? Will you turn to - God? 4. GLORIFY YHVH Read part of - Did you read - devils? Luke compiled - out came yet and daimonia. daimonia = demons = divines = divine breaths There is only ONE devil = satan, itself. What did the MANY divines say to Jesus? Read another part of - Luke compiled - you are the anointed, the Son of the God. Jesus rebuked the many divine breaths not to speak. - Why? Where do you think they went when their influence left the human host? Read part of - Did you read - walketh? Mark compiled - PASSED. Divines pass though what? Divines seek what? Divines pass though unwet places, looking for dry people (no spiritual water) to rest in, and to influence. To rebuke a demon out, it simply passes itself around until finding another human. Rebuke the demons out - Call upon the LORD to bind them, to - judgment. Teach it to others. Read part of - Luke compiled - Jesus, Son of the God, of the Highest. Read part of - Read part of - Do you see that divines glorify - God? 5. BELIEVE Read part of - Version variants write - devils. James wrote - demons also believe. There is only ONE devil = satan, itself. Do you think that divine breaths, created by YHVH, are given a choice to believe, or not to believe? 6. FEAR GOD Divine breaths fear God. Read part of KJV - Did you read - Saying, Let [us] alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? Read part of Darby's Bible - Read part of World English Bible - Darbys = Eh World = Ha Mark compiled - εα = eh'ah = expression of wonder and fear. Mark compiled - eh'ah! What to us, and to you, Jesus, Nazarene? Demons fear God. Read part of KJV - Did you read - Saying, Let [us] alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? Read part of Darby's Bible - Read part of World English Bible - Darbys = Eh World = Ha Luke compiled - εα = eh'ah = expression of wonder and fear. Luke compiled - eh'ah! What to us, and to you, Jesus, Nazarene? Mark compiled the same thing. Demons fear God. Read part of KJV - There is only one devil = satan. James wrote - daimonia pisteueis kai phrissousin. - demons believe and bristle/stiffen. Demons bristle from fear of God. 7. RECOGNIZE JESUS Breaths recognize JESUS. Read part of - SINGLE FUNCTION - Divine Breaths can be a certain, single breath, with a combination of abilities. Divine Breaths can be single, and identify with other breaths. Read part of - Did you read, devil? There is only one devil = satan. Luke compiled - pneuma daimoniou akathartos - breath demon unclean. What did the divinely created, unclean breath, say to Jesus, through the man it was inhabiting? It said the words - we, and our. Read part of - Breaths can be of a multitude of breaths. MULTIPLE FUNCTIONS - A single Divine breath can have of any multitude of functions - as God wills. Read part of - Did you read - dumb spirit? Mark compiled - pneuma alanon = breath no-speak. Read part of - Did you read - foul spirit? Mark compiled -pneumati akatharto = breath no-clean. Did you also read - dumb and deaf spirit? Mark compiled - pneuma alanon and kophon = breath no-speak and deaf-mute. Do you see that one divine (demon) had functions of unclean, deaf, and mute? Look at the torture the demon did to that person. Read part of - Did you read - devils? There is only ONE devil = satan. Luke compiled - daimonia = demons. One certain man - many demons. Read part of - Did you read - devils? There is only ONE devil = satan. Matthew compiled - two men being demonized. Read part of - Did you read - unclean spirits? Mark compiled - pneumata ta akatharta = breaths the unclean. Read part of - There is only ONE devil = satan. 9. CAN FORM GROUP Read part of - Did you read - seven devils? Luke compiled - hepta daimonia = seven demons. There is only ONE devil = satan, itself. Luke compiled - hepta daimonia = seven demons. Read part of - Luke compiles - TWO men possesed with demons. There is only ONE devil = satan, itself. Read part of - Luke compiled - demons. There is only ONE devil = satan, itself. Imagine an entire legion of demons influencing you. Do you think you can have as many demons influencing you, as you desire? 10. SEEK DRY PLACES Where do you think a Divine breath will go, without evoking Jesus to send them to the - abyss? Read part of - Did you read - HE WALKETH through dry places? Matthew compiled - IT is PASSING through unwet places. Read part of - Did you read - HE WALKETH through dry places? Luke compiled - IT IS PASSING through unwet places. A divine breath is neuter. When a divine breath is cast out by a human, it goes back in the air to roam. IT seeks a dry place in another human - for rest. Dry places are void of substance. Some call the dry places - wilderness. A dry place can be - lack of life. Spiritual dryness = Breath of God dryness. You become the company that you keep inside you. Divines influence to walk from God. Why? It's the function of a - divine. Through prayer and fasting - cast out a divine breath in the NAME of Jesus. Pray for God to cast the demon into the - abyss. If the Divine Breath is not cast into the abyss, it will just seek another human, or come back with reinforcements. 11. KNOW IMPENDING TORMENT Read part of - Matthew compiled - before the season. Time and season for - due measure. Demons know of their impending doom, but still perform their function. Why? They were Divinely created to perform that function. YHVH will use divine breaths for adjustment/punishment/reconciliation.