Read part of KJV- Did you read - Spirit of God moved upon? Version variants use - moved, moving, hovering, fluttering. Moses wrote - ruah Elohim rachaph. Breath of Elohim vibrating. Read part of KJV- Did you read - eagle - fluttereth over her young? Variants say - hovereth, hovering, flutters, fluttereth. Moses wrote - vulture - rachaph fledglings of him. Both vultures brood and flutter the young. Read part of KJV- Did you read - all my bones shake? Versions say - shake, shaking, tremble, fluttered. Jeremiah wrote - they rachaph, all of bones, of me. Compare Genesis 1:2 with Deuteronomy 32:11, and Jeremiah 23:9. Three scriptures with same Hebrew word (rachaph), but different interpretation. BreathWind of YHVH shook the waters. Creativity of God sculptured, and continues to sculpture, the Earth. Passionate passive vibrational Breath over the waters, at times - as He will. Some say - from love. Angered violent vibrational Breath over the waters, at times - as He will. Some say - from anger, because Earth became void and had to be recreated. Passive or aggressive, BreathWind of God blows over the waters, as God will. Read part of KJV- Read Exodus 15:8 Moses wrote - ubruch aphik - breath of anger of you. 'aph interpreted in KJV as - anger(172x),wrath(42x),face(22x),nostrils(13x),nose(12x), angry (4x),longsuffering(4x),before(2x),countenance(1x),forbearing(1x),forehead(1x), snout(1x),worthy(1x). Read part of KJV- Moses wrote - nshphth bruchk - You made breeze in Breath of You. Read part of KJV- Samuel wrote - mnshmth(from BreathWind) ruch(of Breath) aphu(of Him). Samuel wrote - from BreathWind of Breath of anger of Him. Breath of YHVH reveals foundation of the Earth. As in Genesis 1:2, creativity, through BreathWind of God - sculptured the Earth. Sometimes with angered emotion. YHVH imparts energy to water with His (Neshamah) BreathWind. God imparts energy to - fire.