Look at the picture for - awhile Touch lightly on picture with pointer, or finger God is - Power YHVH - Hebrew for - It Exists Firmly Exists YH = It Exists Existence creates thought logic wisdom Power of thought logic wisdom - creates Self Recognition I Exist LORD God proclaims Self Existence YH = It Exists - I Exist Existing power creates - Breath YH = It Exists - It Breathes - I Exist - I Breathe God declares Firm Existence VH = Firmly Exist - Firmly Breathe YHVH - It Exists Firmly Exists - I Breathe Firmly Breathe YH (I Breathe) creates gender to endear creation YH = It exists = I exist = He exists YH declares firm existence - YHVH God is - Power (Father) Gloriusly (Son) Breathing (Breath)