You were trying to imagine something - weren't you? Actually, there is no - Before God. The word, "before" is a concept of a - sequence. Something is BEFORE something else - which is BEFORE something next - which is BEFORE something after that. God exists through - before. Before anything was - God is. God is - then. God is - now. God is through - forever. God always was, is, and will be - YHVH God's existence transcends our concept of beginning, and ending. God will transcend our concept of after the beginning, and before the ending. God will transcend our concept of before the beginning, and after the ending. God will transcend whatever concept you can think of, after that. Why? Because God creates any conceivable spectra, then transcends it - at once. God transcends our concept of time. Some can say - Before God, no thing existed (animate or inanimate). Before - did not even exist. Some try to imagine a greater God created our God somewhere in time. But - God clearly says that He created all things - this includes, Himself. God never ever came into existence at some point in time. God created time, and some point in time, for our convenience of reference. We rely on time as a reference frame to understand certain things we want to communicate. Try to think outside yourself, and imagine no time exists. How can you imagine, if your brain was not formed by God, yet? Did you touch objects before the objects, or your fingers, were created? Now - before God, what do you see? Some say they see - CLEAR. Do you think this is abstract? Who created your eyes? How could you see, if the question was given in reference to - before God? Some try to imagine - CLEAR - existing before God.