They all show the same thing Moabite wives, and - concubines Ammonite wives, and - concubines Edomite wives, and - concubines Zidonion wives, and - concubines Hittite wives, and - concubines How many wives and concubines, do you think? Read - All those wives and concubines, lead solomon into - idolatry Read - Do you think solomon knew about multiplying wives and wealth - to himself? Did they lead him, or did solomon lead - himself? He was blinded unto his own wisdom, to his writings of - Proverbs He lifted himself up with pride and arrogance, and turned his back on - YHVH Solomon was warned against marrying outside his Nation He was warned against multiple marriages Jesus warns us, even today, with the parables of the wine skin, and of new patch and old cloth, about bringing in foreigners, who will bring in their gods Look what solomon did under the influence of foreign wives, and - concubines