Look at those pics Read - 2 Kings 23. So important was the WORD of the LORD, through Huldah, that King Josiah took immediate action. Read - Did you read how King Josiah turned most everything to powder and ash? Kidron and Gehenna were the main burn locations Josiah destoyed the idols that solomon erected on Mount Olivet, and - all of Israel. King Joshiah also had the bodies of the dead priests, that were involved, exhumed, and the bones ground into powder. In Jerusalem, the powder was tossed into a nearby ravine, now called - GEHENNA The city dung was dumped on the pile, and everything set on fire What do you think about human bones being pulverised to powder, then massive piles of dung poured on them and set on fire? A gate used, was called - Dung Gate Look at the Dung Gate