Lot's younger daughter named her son - Ben-Ammi Ben-Ammi = son of my people Canaanites worshipped their idea of a supreme god, named - el They also worshipped a supreme goddess, named - asherah Worship of created gods leads to worship of more created gods Created gods get created offspring - baal is named of son of el and ashera baal gets consort, named - astarte Later - baal becomes generic name for - human created gods Ammonites became enemies of Israel. Ammonites worshipped graven images of - baal. One such image, they named - molech Not much has been written on exactly what molech looked like. Some say, same god as Moabite - chemosh. molech worship - male, female prostitution cut hair incense - human sacrifice, usually - babies Some say that they threw the baby on a ramp into the lap of molech. The baby would row into the fire and scream. They beat drums to help drown out the screams. Did you see the drums in the picture? Does YHVH see it? Do you think God is smelling a sweet fragrance from this sacrifice? Do you believe that incest is justified, in scripture? Click on the baby being sacrificed See if any worship to graven images is continued - today.