
If I slip. Can't you see the Devil does his work, in - a subtle way? If I trip. Understand the purging power of God, in - His Holy Breath. As Israel entered the promise land, they were not given all the land at first. More land was added as they increased their borders. Likewise, all worldly traits, don't seem to immediately leave, at regeneration of baptism. As God perfects - bad attributes leave - good attributes increase. My child did slip - did you pray for her? I picked her up - you chose Proverbs 21:4. I saw you trip - I wanted to join another organization. I didn't pray for you. I saw your child slip - Somehow, I figured out, it happens to all of us. When you slip. I shall pray for God to strengthen you. If I slip. Forgive me for my immaturity. Please pray for me. You did read Proverbs. 21:4 - right? What is plowing of the wicked? Go ask ten people as to what plowing of the wicked, means. You will probably get ten people telling you that they don't know. VERSIONS read - A high look and a proud heart, and the plowing of the wicked is sin. The AUTHOR wrote - highness of eyes,and pretentious of heart, (lamp,tillage) of wicked one's sin. Plowing = verb. Tillage = noun = product of plowing. Lamp = light. The Hebrew - nr - or, nir - is also translated to - lamp. Some will use lamp. Some will use tillage. Some will use lamp and tillage, at once. The author did NOT write - a proud heart. The author wrote - PRETENTIOUS heart. A proud heart is, self lifted up. A pretentious heart, is a deceiver. Who is a great deceiver? Highness of eyes (proud look) - pretentious heart - are the products of wicked people's sin. They shine like a lamp illuminating the sin. Highness of eyes and pretentious of heart, are the tillage of what wicked people have tilled. You can see it, clear, as the tillage shines bright. Proverbs 21:4 - Highness of eyes, pretentious of heart, are tillage/lamp of wicked one's sin. If I slip - please forgive me. Can you help guide my path to the LORD? Go teach this. Praise God forever. brotherwilson