
Read Jonah What are some of the things that impressed you? Yonah = passive dove. Other prophets have God in their name - but Jonah = passive dove. Prideful, pitiful, lazy, egocentric - comfort, in his own selfish zone. God always uses the foolish to confound the wise. Uses a loser to - prophesy. One who would rather watch 120,000 ignorant Ninevites to be killed by God. Where is the compassion? Where is salvation? Jonah does not want them saved. He has money - runs from God's plans. Gets in boat. God causes storm. Yonah is thrown - overboard. Yonah prays intensely, as he is drowned. He sinks to the bottom. God evokes a unique great fish - as a tomb. Jonah still prays inside of great fish - as soul faints. Yonah is dead three days and three nights, - in belly of Sheol (unperceived unseen). Yonah is type of foreshadow of Jesus - in tomb. Jesus quotes back to Jonah, in - Gospel of Matthew. People saw great fish vomit dead Jonah - on beach. They watched him being resurrected from the - dead. Jonah may have had permanent skin blotches, from stomach acid of great fish. Yonah may have had heavenly smell, from ambergris, from intestine of great fish. People followed Yonah to the city - backed up the story. Jonah sat in hot sun on hill - gloating. Yonah could have been in cool city - rejoicing. Jonah still hoping God to kill - Ninevites. YHVH participates and grows gourd for one day, as - shade. God then creates huge worm to eat it - then blows strong wind, in hot sun. Jonah gripes to death about his special plant being eaten, and suffering in the wind and sun. God rebukes Yonah, as Jonah was more concerned about a plant, than the one hundred, and twenty thousand Ninevites. Story just suddenly ends with rebuke. Entire story of a loser, who never changed his attitude - even after being dead. Is this a type of relationship, with God, that you would be comfortable with? What's it all about? Those that do the will of God - and those that don't.