LORD, lead us into the perfection of your pure WORD. We praise you - forever. Kai (Greek) has English ambiguity of two meanings. Kai = and / even. Kai translated into conjunction - and. Kai translated into emphasis adverb - even. And = conjunction. And - joins together sentences, clauses, phrases, words. Example - The mother AND son. The mother AND son = TWO persons. Even = adverb. Even - emphasis - intensive, emphatic (to emphasize). Example - The man, even, the son. Man, even, the son = ONE person. Archaic use of EVEN = namely, particularly. Example - God, EVEN the Father. God, NAMELY the Father. God, PARTICULARLY the Father. God/Father = one entity. David kai King Saul - David and King Saul = two persons. David kai the King - David, even the King = one person. Interpretation inconsistency is seen in scripture where kai is used as a conjunction, or an emphasis. God, and the Father - Jesus, and the Father Sounds like two people - doesn't it? FATHER = POWER of God - and is NOT, a person. Father = Paternal endearment, POWER of God has - with It's human host. God, even, the Father. Jesus, even the Father. One entity - only. Kai = even = one entity. The author is emphasizing a communication aspect of God, to His human creation, by stating Jesus, even the Father, or God, even the Father. It is easy to interpret a division of persons, simply by changing Kai, from "even" to "and". Now, one can easily change a scripture to - Jesus and the Father, or God and the Father. Read - John 3:22. Kai = and Did you read - Jesus and His disciples? John wrote - Jesus kai His learners (disciples). In the sentence - kai = and = conjunction. Kai = and = two entities. Read - 1Thessalonians 1:3. Did you read - Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father? Paul wrote - Jesus Christ, in toward place, of the Theou kai patros (God and/even Father). If kai = and - then, God and Father = ONE entity. If kai = even - then, God, even, Father = ONE entity. It doesn't matter how kai is used, in this scripture. God and Father - or - God, even, Father = the same single entity. Kai = and/even = one entity. Read - John 17:3. Did you read - true God AND Jesus Christ? Many say that sounds like two persons. John wrote - true God, EVEN, whom you commission, Jesus, annointed. John is only talking about - Jesus. Read - Revelation 21:22. Did you read - Lord God Amighty AND the Lamb - ARE? Version variants read - TWO different beings. John wrote - Master, the God All Holder, temple of her, IS, EVEN, the - LAMB. John saw Jesus, as the - Temple. Kai = even = adverb Kai = and = conjunction Read - Colossians 2:2. Did you read - of God, and of the Father, and of Christ? Paul wrote - of the God, kai Father, kai of the Christ. Here are the choices. of the God, and Father, and of the Christ = three persons, if you call God - a person. of the God, and Father, even of the Christ = two persons, if you call God - a person. of the God, even Father, and of the Christ = two persons, if you call God - a person. of the God, even Father, even of the Christ = one Entity. Read - Colossians 3:17. Did you read - God and the Father by Him? Paul wrote - God kai Father di Him = God, even Father, through Him. Read - James 1:27. Did you read - God and the Father? James wrote - God kai the Father. What do you think? God and the Father = two entities. God, even the Father = one entity. Read - Ephesians 5:20. Did you read - God and the Father? Paul wrote - God, kai, Father. What do you think? God and the Father = two entities. God, even the Father = one entity. Read - Romans 15:6. Did you read - God, even the Father? Why didn't the version write - God and the Father - as in Colossians 3:17? Read - James 3:9. Did you read - God, even, the Father? James wrote - the God, kai, Father. Why didn't the Bible version variant use - and? Read - 2Corinthians 1:3. Did you read - God, even the Father? Why didn't the version write - God and the Father - as in Colossians 3:17? Read - 1Thessalonians 3:13. Did you read - God, even, our Father? Read - 2 Thessalonians 2:16. Did you read - Jesus Christ, Himself, even, God, our Father? Paul wrote - Jesus Christ kai the God, kai, Father? You can replace the kai, with AND, or EVEN, as your religiosity leads you. AND - Galatians 1:1 Colossians 1:2, 1:3, 3:17 Philippians 4:20 1Thessalonians 1:1, 1:3, 3:11 2Thessalonians 1:1, 1:2 Romans 1:7 1Corinthians 1:3, 8:6 2Corinthians 1:2 Galatians 1:1,3 Ephesians 1:2, 4:6, 6:23 2Peter 2:20 1Timothy 1:2 2Timothy 1:2 Titus 1:4 Philemon 1:3 2John 1:3 Jude 1.1 How much did you agree, with all those scriptures?