Awww - Paradise. From an artist's view - to actual pictures. Read - Did you feel God's Breath when you read - new Heaven? Is Paradise - Heaven? What did it say about the sea? Some say that John just didn't see the sea, in the vision. Others say - no need of sea. Sea represents turmoil and division. God showed John a new Heaven, a new Earth, a new Jerusalem What is Paradise? Para = around diz = to make/form a wall Paradise = around walled Paradise is - a walled area Isn't prison a walled area? Prison - walled area to keep some people - IN. Paradise - in scripture - walled area to keep some people - OUT. Dictionary tries to say what it is - park - limbo - heaven - garden. Dictionary tries to explain it - place of extreme beauty - supreme happiness - bliss. Dictionary tries to prioritize it - intermediate place. God describes Paradise God creates kingdoms principalities realms - Heavens Earth Universe Paradise Unperceived/Unseen Lake of Fire God creates - underworlds overworlds innerworlds outerworlds - as pertaining to the Earth. Is Paradise up or down? Read part of KJV- Paul wrote - eos = until Paul said he knew a man who was snatched - UNTIL - of third Heaven. Paul did not say - up to. Read part of KJVersion- Paul wrote - eis = into Paul wrote that a man was snatched - INTO - Paradise. Paul did not say - up into. Why is a heaven given a number? Paradise sometimes preached as - down Read part of KJVersion- Did Jesus and the soul go up down in out away through - until Paradise? Does it matter? A soul entered Paradise of eternity with Jesus. Read part of KJV- Paradise of - God. Praise the LORD forever.