Was Tartaros fun - or what? It's just someone's perception of - Tartaros A perception of a Greek mythological underworld. An underworld, lower than Hades, as Earth is to Heaven. Greek - Tartaros Latin - Tartarus Tartaros = nether world nether = neath, beneath, under obscure origin - an underworld location - created from ancient Greek mythology Described as - dark, gloomy Tartaros - not in most Bible version variants Book of Enoch - Uriel guards Tartaros Read part KJVersion - Did you read - cast down to Hell? Peter said - to caverns of gloom, tartarosas Search for Truth Tartarosas is the process of casting into - Tartaros Turns a noun (location,place), into a verb (action). Tartarosas = process of underworlding - being sent to an underworld cast, thrust, hurled, delivered Peter describes God's action, as - past tense to what has been done to messengers who missed the mark Peter knew that Tartaros was a Greek mythological underworld. Some say fallen angels rule and reign on the Earth, with Satan as the principality of the air - but Peter said that God did not spare messengers who missed the mark, but underworlded them into caverns of gloom, being kept into judgment. Read part of KJV - Did you read - everlasting chains under darkness? Jude said - to bonds unperceived under gloom. Scripture upon scripture Jude reaffirms where angels who missed the mark are being kept Peter never said - Tartaros. He said - Tartarosas = underworlding. Peter used mythological term to communicate to a people who related to Tartaros as an underrealm, as well as Hades. Sheol-Hades = unperceived Unseen It is being kept and fastened. Peter says - kept. Jude says - fastened. Version VARIANTS say - reserved - chains of eternal night - torments - readiness. Angels who missed the mark, and left their first estate, are kept and fastened, in an underworld of caverns of gloom, til judgment. Greek myth, - Tartaros - does NOT exist in reality Underworlding exists - Caverns of gloom exists - Unseen is compartmental within it's realm Unseen has lower parts with fire ignited through anger of God. God created Heaven - Earth God creates underworlds - overworlds - other worlds YHVH assigns pending of judgment Second death and Unseen will be thrown into - Lake of Fire