This is how Yaakov communicated with a man. This is the same man that was at Abraham's tent, with two other men. The man is the human Breath image, of the Power of - YHVH. Some say it was only a theophany. Some say it was an angel. Some say - Angel of the Lord. Some say it was preincarnate - Jesus. What do you say? Read part of KJV - Did you read - angel? Hosea wrote - yet he is controlling to messenger and he is prevailing. Do you remember the three MEN at Abraham's tent? Yet, when two of the MEN went into Sodom, suddenly they are - messengers. The MAN back at the tent talked with Abraham. The man is the human Breath image, of the Power of - YHVH, that is His own - messenger. Look closer at Jacob's face. He got, Bedusted, as He grabbed hold, and was going to hang onto, his Jesus - forever. Hebrew - uyabq = BEDUSTED. Yaakov was BEDUSTED - NOT, wrestled. Jacob struggled through life, especially after he fraudulently supplanted his brother's birthright. Yaakov = supplant. Fearing for his life, after twenty somewhat years of running, Yaakov finally turned to God in prayer. YHVH appeared in His human form (man/messenger/preincarnate Jesus), and confronted Jacob. Yaakov, totally thrilled to death, that preincarnate Jesus would touch him, grabs on, instead of perhaps a hug. Probably grabbed the same way he grabbed on to his brother's foot at birth. Wants to hold on - forever. God touches the thigh and cripples Jacob - for life. YHVH renames Yaakov, to - Yisrael. Yisrael = struggles with God. Jacob, now Israel, erects a monument. Names monument - Peniel. Peniel = turned to God. Read part of KJV - Yaakov says - I saw Elohim faces to faces, and she is being rescued, soul of me. Nation of Israel, throughout it's history, has struggled with God, and continues so, to this very day. They still don't recognize - Jesus. What's it all about? Those who turn to God, and those who don't.